Waypoint 11. "Tapiology" the geology and its environment (Map Route 2)
This wall has been built using different rocks of its surroundings, we can practically indicate in a clear way, where all or almost all the rocks that form it have come from.
If we look in detail we see several rocks with the already classic rudists, (these tubes or circular holes in the rocks).
We find here rudists of diverse origin and typology, which allows us to make a review of the regional paleontology.
1) Hippurites incisus: characterized by its irregular morphology with two very marked partitions in the shell which generates two large wrinkles in the interior space.
2) Biradiolites canalictus: rather thin in diameter and long, they stand out for not having these inner pillars, but nevertheless have a very thick and folded shell.
3) Radiolites sauvagesi: of large diameter without inner pillars, and very thick shell with different overlapping lamellae; which gives an external appearance of "gypsy skirt".
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